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Events to look forward to attending

Solutions for the Incurable

Dr. Christopher Ging | The Healing Detective
Dr. Ging is Ph. D. Doctor of Oriental Medicine, board certified Acupuncturist. He embraces a multidisciplinary approach for prevention and healing. He is specifically trained in tackling complex disease with simplified protocols and identifying the underlying “root cause” of health problems rather than just treating the symptoms. For nearly 30 years, he has performed in-depth research and clinical trials with Chinese herbs, developing a number of unique formulas for complex chronic disease.

Presented by Dr. Christopher Ging

Offering Hope for the Hopeless

Thursday, December 17th

7:30 – 9:30 PM

Flowering Heart Center

4440 Lee Avenue

Downers Grove, IL 60515


Tired of taking prescriptions? Have life-threatening and/or life-debilitating health issues such as, 

malignant tumor          High blood pressure          Diabetes

chronic fatigue             Blurred vision                       Hot flashes

pain                                Hearing loss                        Cold limbs

allergies                        Tinnitus                                 Acid-reflux

oral infections              Sleep-apnea                        Weight control problems, etc?


FOR INFORMSATION or to RSVP, contact Holistic Dentistry Illinois: or (630) 968-5567

*A donation of any amount is suggested and will benefit the Flowering Heart Center

The evening of the presentation, three names will be drawn for a complimentary evaluation ($300 value).,,


Dr. Christopher Ging


This doctor will improve your health and change your life!

“Solutions for the Incurable”

Lecture: Sunday, November 15, 2015; 3 – 5 pm

Best Western
707 Houston
Tulsa, OK 74127

Private Sessions: Currently there are openings on:
November 15, Sunday LECTURE; 7 PM
November 16, Monday 4 PM
November 17, Tuesday 4 PM
November 18, Wednesday 10 AM, 2 PM & 4 PM

Dr. Ging accepts cash, checks or credit cards. Please discuss with him if you are currently financially challenged and need to make payment arrangements. Dr. Ging’s closest office is located at:

Rejuvenation & Pain Clinic
1009 N. Tennessee St.
McKinney, TX 75069

The drive from Tulsa, Oklahoma to McKinney, Texas is 223 miles; 3 hours and 42 minutes.
The drive from Dallas Love Field (home of Southwest Airlines) is 32 miles; 43 minutes.
The drive from Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport (DFW) is 36.2 miles; 35 minutes.

To RSVP for lecture, schedule an appointment, have questions answered, and/or for additional information,
please call:

Michelle Taylor

If you need to speak with Dr. Ging directly, please call:
817-469-8823. This is his cell phone. If he is in session with a patient, please leave a message; he will return your call.

Suggested hotel (this is where we are staying when we are in Tulsa, OK).

Best Western
707 Houston
Tulsa, OK 74127

Manager: Shaun Bhow

Renew your health and connection with joy in life!

Dr. Ging – ‘The Medical Detective’
Solutions for the Incurable –

Life Changing Lecture with simple health solutions for your health. Testimonials at:

During the presentation, three people will be chosen for a complimentary consultation. ($250.00 value)

For more info or questions, call Michelle @ (972) 816-1637

Dr. Christopher Ging holds a PhD, Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) and is an Acupuncturist licensed by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners. He is also founder of a Texas acupuncture practice and is certified by the National Commission of Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). He graduated in Traditional Chinese Medicine Integrated with Western Medicine from the School of Medicine of Xiamen University and earned his PhD from China Academy of Chinese Medical Science, Beijing, China.

Dr. Ging embraces a multi-disciplinary approach for both preventive care and healing. He is specifically trained and skilled in identifying and treating the underlying “root cause” of health problems rather than just treating the symptoms. For nearly 30 years, Dr. Ging has been performing in-depth research and clinical trials with Chinese herbs and has developed a number of unique formulas for formidable chronic diseases.

If you are seeking a way to overcome life-threatening and/or life-debilitating health issues such as a malignant tumor, chronic fatigue/pain, allergies, oral infections, high blood pressure, blurred vision, hearing loss, diabetes, excess weight, etc., THIS TIME-REDEEMING LECTURE IS FOR YOU!

Dr. Ging can help attendees resolve seemingly incurable conditions via a comprehensive diagnosis of underlying root causes, his unique Acupuncture treatment, self-care techniques, lifestyle changes, and a specialized regimen.



Dr. Christopher Ging

Back at Marina Vet!

Dr. Ging’s goal is to help patience achieve vibrant health by employing breathing exercises and acupressure techniques as well as knowing the right selections for diet and style changes.

Face lift and wrinkle removal service by Acupuncture

Christopher Ging is an Oriental Medical Doctor (OMD) who graduated in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) integrated with Western Medicine from School of Medicine of Xiamen University and earned his Ph.D. from China Academy of Chinese Medical Science, Beijing, China. He alson has his MBA from TCU.

Dr. Christopher Ging holds a PhD, Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) and is an Acupuncturist licensed by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners. He is also founder of a Texas acupuncture practice and is certified by the National Commission of Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). He graduated in Traditional Chinese Medicine Integrated with Western Medicine from the School of Medicine of Xiamen University and earned his PhD from China Academy of Chinese Medical Science, Beijing, China.

Dr. Ging embraces a multi-disciplinary approach for both preventive care and healing. He is specifically trained and skilled in identifying and treating the underlying “root cause” of health problems rather than just treating the symptoms. For nearly 30 years, Dr. Ging has been performing in-depth research and clinical trials with Chinese herbs and has developed a number of unique formulas for formidable chronic diseases.

If you are seeking a way to overcome life-threatening and/or life-debilitating health issues such as a malignant tumor, chronic fatigue/pain, allergies, oral infections, high blood pressure, blurred vision, hearing loss, diabetes, excess weight, etc., THIS TIME-REDEEMING LECTURE IS FOR YOU!

Dr. Ging can help attendees resolve seemingly incurable conditions via a comprehensive diagnosis of underlying root causes, his unique Acupuncture treatment, self-care techniques, lifestyle changes, and a specialized regimen.

For more info or questions, call Michelle @ (972) 816-1637

Appointments available

December 1 – December 10

Call today (310) 642-8080


Marina Veterinary Center

8421 Lincoln Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045


Solutions for the Incurable

November 4, 2015
7pm – 9pm

Bahia Center
484 Main Street, Suite 6
Diamond Springs, CA 95619

RSVP for lecture at

Private Sessions:
November 4 – 9, 2015

Taylor Chiropractic
484 Main Street, Suite 19
Diamond Springs, CA 95619

For appointment send request to

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